Packaging Design, Illustration & Product PhotographyINSTRUCTOR: Jini Zopf

Instill a sense of wonder, respect, and stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants, and ecosystems to kids from the age of 7-12 years old. Designing a kit that elevates the Junior Biologist program sponsored by Aquarium of the Pacific.

The compact and portable form of the kit is designed to support the program that requires the participants to tour around the aquarium. At the end of the program, the kids gets to keep the kit which includes the embeded reusable mini whiteboard they use as a journal during the program.

The BioWhiz kit contains items that encourages kids to participate more in the program: lab coat, magnifying glass, dual-tip marker, Rolife 3D puzzle, and hand sanitizing wipe.
Uses repurposed corrugated cardboard and post-consumer-waste (PCW) recycled paper. Soy-based ink and Elmers glue to reduce environmental impact.Assemblage of the package is done in partnership with Advocacy for Respect and Choice Service (ARCS), a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) located in Long Beach.